Toyota Motor 80th Anniversary Celebration phishing scam

Updated Toyota brand logoUpdated Toyota brand logo

We have been made aware of a globally spreading ‘Toyota Motor 80th Anniversary Celebration’ phishing scam, designed to steal personal information.

This phishing scam, mainly distributed via WhatsApp, takes the form of a social media message using Toyota’s logo, offering free gifts and encouraging the user to click a link.

The link takes the user to a fake website using the Toyota name. The site seeks to steal personal information from visitors. Our global IT teams have discovered multiple fake websites operating in this way, all related to this phishing scam.

Here are some examples of the messages in different languages:

Toyota WhatsApp scam landscapeToyota WhatsApp scam landscape

Globally, Toyota is taking countermeasures to prevent the further spread of this scam and we are sharing this information with our customers to raise awareness.

If you receive a suspicious message such as this, please do not click on the link or respond to the message.

Phishing attempts such as this can be reported via ActionFraud, which is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime, and then deleted.

If you have engaged with the message in any way, we recommend that you change your password for the relevant social media platform.
