5 Reasons ‘Shopping Online South Africa’ is a Growing Trend

Online shopping is becoming a huge trend in South Africa. According to the Business Insider, sales are expected to reach R225 billion within five years. The e-commerce sector is poised for growth and there are several reasons and motivations to explain the popularity of South Africans shopping online. 


#1 The Pandemic & Lockdown Restrictions

They say “every cloud has a silver lining,” and online shopping South Africa has been a welcome “silver lining” and a safe alternative over the last 18 months as a global pandemic has dictated our comings and goings. Access to online stores for groceries, toiletries, clothing, medication, furniture, books, frozen meals, cosmetics, gadgets etc. has meant we have been able to continue the normal rhythms of our everyday shopping habits. Online shopping for South Africans has been a “lifesaver” for so many stuck at home and an opportunity for many more to recognise the simple convenience of ordering something over the internet. 

Shopping online South Africa


#2 The Convenience Factor

Shopping online ticks so many convenience boxes for South Africans. Just for starters, you will save precious time, you will be able to easily compare prices, you will avoid standing in long queues and you will have access to detailed product information and specs of various brands – all at the click of a button, anytime and anywhere. These are huge advantages for those who work full-time, are stuck at home or simply hate mall crawling. If you don’t have to touch and feel a product before buying it, then online shopping was designed for you. 


#3 The Reward System

One of the things to love about online shopping is how much an online store appreciates you as a customer and incentivises you to add to your cart. The majority of e-commerce stores will offer a new customer a discount voucher off their first purchase if they subscribe to the newsletter. What walk-in store offers a new customer 15% or more off their first purchase? Also, thanks to the fact that you have subscribed to their newsletter, an online store, like bidorbuy, will send you weekly deals, specials and discounts. South Africans love a bargain, and who doesn’t love shopping bargains from the comfort of their home? 


#4 The Wanderlust Hook

Everyone loves to travel and online shopping in South Africa has made a weekend getaway or a holiday possible at your fingertips. “Armchair travel” takes on new meaning when it comes to shopping online. You can book a flight, an Airbnb, a hotel stay, or a game lodge reservation in an instant. Local travel websites also offer South Africans wonderful discounts for out of season travel. And if you love going to the ballet, a show or a movie, booking your tickets online makes life that little bit simpler.  

Shopping online South Afrcia


#5 The Gift of Giving

With online shopping, “paying it forward” or spoiling the people in your life has never been easier. Gift-giving is one of the perks of online shopping. Sending a friend an online gift voucher or ordering a gift online and having it delivered is something everyone will appreciate. 

And then of course there is the excitement and joy of receiving your own online purchase. Even though the money may have been deducted from your credit card, when that parcel arrives at your door, it feels like you have given yourself a gift. That is why shopping online South Africa is all about supporting local, shopping your way and simplifying your life. No wonder we all love it!