If you are using any of the following themes, you can start bringing the power of storytelling to your site today:
The makers of the popular Astra theme announced their integration of stories.
The Neve theme also provides integration of Web Stories into their theme.
The Newspack project provides native stories support to the Newspack theme and the new capabilities will be released soon.
The Web Stories WordPress plugin provides built-in integrations for all WordPress core default themes so that they have this opt-in functionality out-of-the-box.
Below you can take a look at some demo sites using these themes to get a glimpse of what is possible. Can’t wait to see what you would do on your site!
The Astra theme provides native integration with Web Stories. Check out the Astra theme demo site. In the screenshots below you can again see a selected stories embed using a circle carousel at the top of the theme, a selected stories embed using a box carousel displaying the members of the team, a selected stories embed using a box carousel displaying stories for the menu items, and a selected stories embed using a list layout.