Advertising plays a major role in sustaining the free and open web. It supports a universe of Australian creators and publishers — and underwrites the useful content and services that Australian internet users enjoy. Advertising technology creates opportunities for businesses, particularly small and medium businesses, to connect with customers. This helps facilitate competition, innovation and growth across the Australian economy. Research by AlphaBeta estimated that Google creates AU$32 billion in benefits annually for businesses and content creators in Australia through its advertising platforms.
Google succeeds when our partners do — so we have a strong incentive to ensure a healthy digital advertising ecosystem. We’ve made significant efforts and investments in this, and always aim to do so in a way that balances the interests of consumers, advertisers, and publishers. We recognise that advertising technology is a dynamic area and we welcome opportunities to share more on how advertising technology works.
Earlier this year the ACCC released its Interim Report on the digital advertising services industry. It recognises the considerable value of advertising technology in creating growth opportunities for businesses and publishers, while identifying areas for further improvement. We wanted to share some thoughts and suggestions we have in response to this. We expand on these in our submission to the ACCC here.