Fintech 50 index
If investors like the $100 billion market cap, COIN will rank 9 out of 50 stocks, just below Square (SQ) and above Fidelity Information (FIS).
Fintech 50 Index data and brand is licensed to companies who want to create a Fintech thematic ETF (to sell to Investors and the providers/intermediaries who service them).”
— Bernard Lunn
MURI BEI BERN, BERN, SWITZERLAND, April 14, 2021 / — You can now buy Coinbase stock (COIN) on NASDAQ.
If investors like the $100 billion market cap that has been suggested, COIN will rank 9 out of 50 stocks, just below Square (SQ) and above Fidelity Information (FIS). That is heady territory that indicates investor expectation that crypto will disrupt Wall Street and Banking.
Fintech 50 Index is 50 publicly traded Fintech stocks ranked by market cap.
Fintech 50 Index has been incubated within Daily Fintech, the leading site for Fintech, Crypto and Insurtech trends & analysis. If you are interested in talking to us about licensing Fintech 50 Index, please use this contact us form.
About Fintech 50 Index.
Fintech 50 Index is 50 publicly traded Fintech stocks ranked by market cap.
Fintech 50 Index data and brand is licensed to companies who want to create a Fintech thematic ETF (to sell to Investors and the providers/intermediaries who service them). We differentiate through:
One. Better quality Index construction using our intimate knowledge of Fintech.
Two. A value proposition to the ETF operators that enables many companies to create a low cost passive Fintech thematic ETF.
If you are interested in talking to us about licensing Fintech 50 Index, please use this contact us form
Bernard lunn
Daily Fintech Advisers Ltd
email us here
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April 14, 2021, 13:30 GMT
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