Cryptocurrency makes huge step into Motocross, by paying winners in…

Fueled by Verge Founder, Danny Robertson (@141mx), with his Father, Derek Robertson (left), and Mark Wittenberg (right)

Flying high over a jump in Alberta, Canada

Danny Robertson (right) presenting the Fueled By Verge Performance cup to the winner, Sterling Lofthouse (left)

Its July 9, 2021 and motocross racers from all over roll into Alberta Canada, for a weekend of motocross

Our Race turned out to be a great success! We’re trying to build our reputation in Taber and with a great title sponsor like you.”

— Kelly Weenk Race Director

USA, July 13, 2021 / — Its July 9, 2021 and motocross racers from all over roll into Taber Alberta Canada, for a weekend of motocross, at the TaberMX track. Motor home after motor home, trailer after trailer, start forming the soon to be, very large, pit area. The main sponsor, and Performance Cup host, MX4Life and Fueled by Verge rolls in, and sets up his double tents in the main area.
As more and more athletes roll in, its apparent that this is going to be a weekend of many memories. With COVID 19 restrictions freshly removed, this would be the first race weekend after the pandemic restrictions lifted. July 9 is set up night, and is a time for everyone to meet other athletes, and get their camps set up.

July 10, 2021 and the sun rises. Its registration day, and the athletes and parents get their race schedules lined up, and entrance fees paid. I make my way down the highway, vehicle jam packed with Verge Currency gear, and 2 ½ later arrive at the track at just after 6pm too see it completely over ran by side by sides, motocross bikes, quads, Trailers, motor homes, and hundreds up hundreds of people preparing. The first thing I noticed was Fueled by Verge and Verge Currency flyers everywhere. The main sign has Fueled By Verge and MX4LIFE Logo. All the flyers, from registration to race schedule is branded Fueled By Verge. I am very excited at this point, to roll up on the Verge Currency set up, complete with Verge Currency Branding and front table. I hang out for a couple hours, checking out the track and surroundings, then head back to the Hotel for a night of good rest, before Race-day the next day.

July 11, 2021 at 6am my alarm goes off, and it’s off to the races. Of course I have to stop by a Tim Horton’s and grab my XL Coffee, before arriving at the track from 715am. The first race starts at 930am so I have time to get the set up completely furnished with Verge Currency Branded Gear. From Converse shoes, to Verge hoodies, to Verge Currency partner gear. It was my mission to have Verge front and center, so that athletes, friends and families can approach and ask questions. I immediately notice the constant visitors to the set up. The tents were a constant line up of people, asking questions, picking up MX4LIFE gear. Good thing I brought my wife for back up, as she had to transform into a customer service representative for the day. Every athlete was asked to download the Verge Currency Wallet from the Apple store or Google Play. They were required to have the wallet downloaded, in order to get paid the prize, in XVG. As the day goes on, I was running around, trying to catch video and pics of as many races as I could. I couldn’t help but over hear many people asking each other if they have downloaded the app yet. Many people were talking about them having the app downloaded on their devices. It was music to my ears, as my goal is to get $XVG noticed by everyone I come across. For me, I think use case, and Verge is a currency, meant to be spent and used. What better way to spread the word of $XVG, then at a motocross race weekend, where competitors are aged 4 to 16, and beyond. With parents maintaining the bikes, the camps, and the set ups, its important to show every generation whats next in transacting. Im thinking, if motocross race and holeshot winners can get paid in $XVG, whats next……

I want to congratulate every single winner, and every single athlete, family, and friends, for showing up, being dedicated, and learning about Verge Currency and the Fueled by Verge movement. The payouts in $XVG were made possible by MX4LIFE and Fueled By Verge. As Verge Currency is an open source, community driven currency, the complete project is ran by volunteers, and the Verge core Team ONLY relies on their personal funding. The project is NON ICO and NON PREMINED, so the Verge Core Team does not have a wallet to fund these events.

The list of winners that got paid in $XVG include:

Clayton Schmucki
Brant Huizing
Trey Jensen
Rylan Sawyer
Jayden Riley
Marissa Monk
Nathan Knox
Matteo Giusti
Ryan Taylor
Wyatt Hasil
Danny Robertson
Trey Schmucki
Aaron Pierson
Dave Amyotte
Joshua Vaillant

Join the movement and be part of the payment future……

Whats Next?

Press Release written by:
Mark Wittenberg
Verge Currency Core Member

For More Information on Fueled By Verge contact:

Derek Robertson
Fueled By Verge / Verge Currency
+1 403-862-7771
email us here
Visit us on social media:

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July 13, 2021, 17:31 GMT

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