Get ready for 3 months of back-to-back blockbuster game launches in Xbox Game Pass

As the Xbox 20th anniversary approaches in November, blockbuster games for PCs and consoles will be available through Xbox Game Pass, including the Oct. 28 launch of Age of Empires IV (bringing the evolved real-time strategy game to a new generation on Steam and Game Pass for PC on day one), Minecraft on Nov. 2 and Forza Horizon 5 on Nov. 9.

“We’ve been hard at work to deliver three months of back-to-back game launches,” writes Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, in an Xbox Wire post. “And while we hope you’ll join us in celebrating 20 years of Xbox history, know that we’re hard at work on the road ahead and what’s to come in the next 20 years.”

Other games launching are Microsoft Flight Simulator: Game of the Year Edition (Nov. 18) and Halo: Infinite (Dec. 8).

Find out more on Xbox Wire.
