Naraka: Bladepoint now available on Xbox Game Pass

Naraka: Bladepoint sold 10 million copies in less than a year after arriving on PC in August. Now the fighting game is available on Xbox Game Pass and console.

“Arriving on current-gen consoles, Naraka: Bladepoint offers an exciting new experience for Xbox Series X|S owners, and with its addition into Xbox Game Pass on June 23, there’s never been a better time to battle it out with other players across the world,” writes Raylan Kwan, Marketing Manager, Naraka Bladepoint, in a post on Xbox Wire.

A 60-player battle royale, Naraka: Bladepoint sees your character ​​engage in a combination of melee action and parkour moves, and to help your character look fantastic while going through all the motions, Naraka offers a wide array of character customization. Head over to Xbox Wire to find out more and see some of the options.
