Coco Creative mobile app artist profile
A fun, new mobile app has been launched today to help creatives connect with each other
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, April 26, 2021 / — Coco Creative provides a hub for artists, writers, designers, dancers, performers, producers, musicians and other creatives to make friends, network, find events or opportunities, keep up to date and share their art with the world.
Gerard Edwards, founder of Coco Creative and its parent company Loco Project, said the app’s mission is to build a world with more creativity.
“Humans are inherently creative and use art and storytelling to entertain, express culture, process significant events and build community. We are all connected through arts and creativity, but creatives need to be connected to make excellent art. That’s why Coco Creative was developed.”
“At Loco Project, we saw the power of the connections sparked at the grassroots art exhibitions and events we ran and wanted to find a way to help create those connections at scale across creative and geographic boundaries. Until now, there hasn’t been a fun and easy place for creatives to find each other.”
Coco Creative makes it easy. Download the app, set up a creative profile and start scrolling to find, follow and make new friends, expand your professional network or unlock opportunities. The app’s filters allow you to find people according to their location or creative interest. You can also choose to receive messages about potential opportunities from people you aren’t friends with.
Artists and creative professionals have been among the worst hit by the global coronavirus pandemic, with health-focused restrictions severely reducing opportunities for work.
Edwards says, after almost three years in development, Loco Project accelerated the launch of Coco Creative to try and support the industry in the wake of COVID-19.
“We are launching this app for the creative community,” Edwards said. “Loco Project is an independent organization focused on building sustainable artistic communities. The app is free to download and use. We don’t believe in enabling annoying ads, sending spam or selling our users’ data. We do believe in building a real sense of community and helping creatives thrive, especially during this challenging time. It has never been more important for us to come together and support one another. We would love to see more creative people join the Coco Creative community and share the app with their networks so it becomes a strong, organic hub.”
Sam Field, a documentary filmmaker, has been using the app to find creatives to work with.
“We have projects across a bunch of different mediums, from interactive virtual reality to documentaries and broadcast television. We often work with freelance crews because each project has different requirements for the people in those key creative roles,” Field says.
“I guess in this industry you are always trying to join the dots. You meet someone and think about how you can work together, or you kick off a project and then search for the kind of person you need for a particular role. So having a dedicated space like Coco Creative where people can show off their wares is really valuable in the documentary space. It has everything you need to contact people, talk through opportunities and make new connections.”
Available now on Google Play and the App Store.
Gerard Edwards
Loco Project Pty Ltd
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April 26, 2021, 07:15 GMT
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