“Wi-SUN Seminar” in Metering China
“Wi-SUN Seminar” in Metering China
“Wi-SUN Seminar” in Metering China
“Wi-SUN Seminar” in Metering China
From Smart Grid to Wide-Area Large-Scale IoT, “Wi-SUN Seminar” in Metering China Held by Six Member Companies, including Wi-SUN Alliance and Vertexcom
HSINCHU, TAIWAN, May 28, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — “2021 Metering Industry Annual Conference” hosted by Global Metering was held in Zhuhai, China on May 26th. The Wi-SUN Alliance and the Wi-SUN member companies including Vertexcom, Silicon Labs, Arm Pelion, Lierda IOT Technology, and LEHEINFO (Hexing Electrical Co., Ltd subsidiary), jointly held the “Wi-SUN Seminar on the New Ecology of the IoT” discussing the development of Wi-SUN technology in the field of utilities such as smart meters through technical verifications and practical application cases.
Wi-SUN is a member of the LPWAN (Low-Power Wide-Area Network), which has attracted attention of various industries in recent years. Its technical advantages are widely used in the fields of smart meters and smart grids. The Wi-SUN Alliance decided to hold the first Wi-SUN seminar at this conference in China to make one more step from smart grids towards the wide-area large-scale IoT. Five member companies jointly represented of the Wi-SUN Alliance to exhibit a variety of the Wi-SUN FAN certified products, including chips, modules, smart meters, and IoT platforms, showing its capabilities and a complete ecosystem.
Tom Yang, the Vice President of Marketing of Vertexcom, delivered a special speech on the topic of “Wi-SUN Low Power IoT SoC Solution” at the seminar, thoroughly explaining the advantages of the Wi-SUN Alliance and the Wi-SUN network applications and IoT scenarios and cases, as well as introducing the Wi-SUN RF + PLC dual-mode and the G3-PLC + RF dual-mode products.
Tom also pointed out two main features of the Wi-SUN technology. One is the mesh network, which enables Wi-SUN to carry out long-distance transmissions and to have self-forming and self-repairing networking functions. The other trait is the active random frequency hopping. Since Wi-SUN uses the Sub-GHz frequency bands, which is more easily to be interfered, the active random frequency hopping mechanism can make its signals actively select other clean frequency bands for information transmissions when interfered by noises, to effectively reduce networking time.
Tom said that the Vertexcom Wi-SUN SoC, VC7300, is capable of connecting 1,000-node network scale with 6-level frequency hopping in a conservative of estimation of 20 minutes, and single-level networking in 10 minutes. It has a visual network topology and an easy cloud management with enterprise-grade information security protection. VC7300 has been applied to clients and has realized the support of a mesh network with more than 3,000 nodes. Its mesh networking functions allow transmissions through basements and metal obstacles, with the advantages of IPv6, bidirectional communication, and over-the-air upgrade.
Driven by the 5G wave, the demand for various IoT applications has increased significantly. Vertexcom has successively established successful application cases in the fields of smart meter, smart street lighting, photovoltaic power plant, and intelligent low-power distribution cabinets.
Tom finally mentioned that many IoT communication networks still use the traditional star networking architecture, which cannot balance the distance and speed. In order to meet the needs of more diversified IoT applications, Vertexcom has newly launched the dual-mode (RF+PLC) solution to adequately integrate wireless transmissions and power line communication technology to solve the problem of the traditional star networking architecture, thus to optimize the application experience.
About Vertexcom Technologies
Vertexcom Technologies develops communication chips and networking software designs for long range, large scale, auto networks of IoT and smart grids. It provides low-cost Wi-SUN, Homeplug AV & GreenPHY, HPLC, G3-PLC, and integrated dual-mode communication solutions.
About Wi-SUN Alliance
Wi-SUN Alliance is a global non-profit member-based association made up of industry leading companies. Its mission is to drive the global proliferation of interoperable wireless solutions for use in smart cities, smart grids and other Internet of Things (IoT) applications using open global standards from organizations, such as IEEE802, IETF, TIA, TTC and ETSI.
Karvino LU
Vertexcom Technologies
+886 3 560 1431
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